IMG S.r.l.

Via Industriale 106 - 108
25020 Capriano del Colle (BS)
+39 030 314645


Our elastomer moulding machinesIMG rubber moulding machines

IMG rubber moulding machines represent the best on the market: they are the result of intensive research and continuous improvements, based on the usage of hundreds of customers. The presses we produce are divided into GAMMA, SPECIALI and UNICHE, as you can read below.

On our catalogue you will find horizontal and vertical injection and compression moulding machines for elastomers and thermosets. These are high-performing presses that can be upgraded according to customer requirements by adding components to improve the production cycle and the quality of the final product. In particular, the GUM series represents the “heart” of the rubber moulding machines we produce.

Advantages of rubber moulding machines

All IMG rubber machines are remotely controllable, with continuous monitoring and Industry 4.0 predisposition. Furthermore, all our injection moulding machines are equipped with mould height adjustment. This allows the assembly of large moulds without reducing the mould opening stroke of the machine. Last but not least, our machines require a limited amount of oil, which results in significant savings for the customer and a lower environmental impact. The jewel in the crown in terms of low environmental impact is the fully electric REM 300 moulding machine, which allows savings of around 10% compared to a standard press.


Our ProductsOur rubber moulding machines